Nominating Committee for Board Elections Application

Nominating committee applications will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee Selection Task Force. This task force is comprised of Member Advisory Committee members. The task force will recommend qualified applicants to the GVEA Board of Directors. The board will then review and approve 3 to 7 applicants to serve on each nominating committee. Applications must be submitted by October 9, 2024.

You must provide the following information to help in this process:

Name as it appears on your GVEA membership account(Required)
Physical location of your primary residence (membership account)(Required)
Are you an officer or an employee of a collective bargaining unit?(Required)
Have you served on any GVEA Committees previously (Nominating, MAC, etc.)?(Required)

Contact Information

If selected, the following information will be published for members to contact you with candidate suggestions.

Mailing Address(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.